Monday, April 14, 2008

Japan, Australia Say No Thanks To Blue Man Group

Japan has joined Australia in saying thanks, but no thanks, to the blue-clad Chinese security detail guarding and jogging alongside the Olympic torch as it winds its way through major world cities. "We should not violate the principle that the Japanese police will firmly maintain security," Shinya Izumi, head of Japan's National Public Safety Commission, was quoted as saying in a piece Karl B. emailed to me. "If they are for the consideration of security, it is our role." Earlier Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said in Beijing (AP Photo) that the Chinese agents, which Chinese media have acknowleged are members of the People's Armed Police as I thought, will not be allowed to run in the torch relay Down Under, but will follow close behind in a bus. “The total security needs of the Olympic torch during its visit to Australia will be provided by the Australian security authorities,” Rudd said, adding that the security agents will only get off an accompanying bus when necessary, such as when the torch is passed from one runner to another.

Hmm ... "when necessary"? I guess because the runners actually stop to pass the baton, we'll see the Blue Man Group spill out of its chase-bus every few hundred meters to beef up the security against demonstrators protesting Chinese policies on Tibet, Sudan and other issues who tried to get close to the flame. And neither Izumi's nor Rudd's statements reject participation by the PAP cadets. They will likely still be seen throughout the relay stages in Sydney and Nagano, which have both hosted Olympic Games.

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